Karen Andrews, M.A.  Shamanic Healing




Photo of Karen AndrewsMy Training:

I have been studying and practicing shamanism for over ten years.  I have studied with several teachers and schools of shamanism in the United States.  I am tremendously grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from so many brilliant teachers and healers. 

  • The Tracker School, run by Tom Brown, Jr.   The Tracker School first taught me about shamanism, and has been my most defining influence.  I have taken many fabulous classes from them.  Tom Brown’s teachings bring a clarity to the theory and structure behind shamanic practice that I have not found anywhere else. Much of what I've written on the page "View of the World Underlying My Healing Work" was inspired by Tom's teachings (though this is definitely as seen through my eyes).

  • Sandra Ingerman  Sandra Ingerman wrote THE book on soul retrieval.  She is a great teacher and a wonderful person.  It is an honor to have studied with her.

  • Betsy Bergstrom   Betsy Bergstrom is probably the foremost teacher on how to take things out of people’s energy fields when they don’t belong there.  A fabulous teacher and an inspiration.  She brings light into darkness. 

  • Ana Larramendi  A good friend and an amazing teacher.  Her mentoring has given my healing practice a focus and clarity it would have been hard to realize without her. 

  • The Four Winds Society  Probably the second-largest school of shamanism in the United States.  Teaches a Peruvian strain of shamanism.

  • The Earth-Heart Institute of Vision and Healing, run by Malcolm Ringwalt. Teaches about vision quests and some of the mysteries of spiritual life.  Has helped fill in the gaps around the other things I’ve learned.  The courses tend to blow my mind in a way that is virtually impossible to describe.

  • Pachamama, Inc.  Used to teach classes on shamanism, but the organization has now folded.

  • Raven Medicine Lodge   A local shamanic organization that inspired me early in my path. 

I have also learned a tremendous amount from family members, friends, and acquaintances who have shared with me both their own healing journeys and their expertise and wisdom as healers.  I am have learned from more people than I could possibly mention here.

Other Education:



Shamanic Healing Work

View of the World Underlying My Healing Work

What Is This Type of Healing Work Good For?

Preparing for a Healing Session

Specific Shamanic Healing Techniques

What Can You Expect?

